Mindfulness – Training The Mind

Mindfulness is a universal principle that applies equally to everyone, be it kids or adults.
Neuroscience is increasingly supporting the idea that mindfulness and meditation help tremendously to enhance perception, awareness, and complex thinking in human’s brain.
Mindfulness is the art of accessing the energy that helps you recognize the happiness that is already in your life. Mindfulness helps you to silence your mind, calm your nerves, and examine your inner world. Hence “Resilience To Stress” is one of the main benefits of mindfulness.
Have you ever ponder,
Why do we need to silence the mind?
Today, we are so used to the following actions;
- Texting our friends through WhatsApp, WeChat, Telegram, etc
- Checking our social media pages through Facebook, Instagram, etc
- Thinking about the next activity on our agenda list.
- Trying to do something, even in the middle of doing nothing.
In ancient times, the purpose of mindfulness are related to;
Knowing Our Own Mind
Most people go through life without understanding themselves or what makes them tick. Mindfulness begins with knowing your own mind and understanding your inner motivation, desire and driving key to achieve the things we want. Awareness is important to everyone. The first step is to become aware and take stock of who you are. The first objective of mindfulness is self-discovery of our own true self without judgement of anything. Everyone should simply observes our own feelings, thoughts, and reactions without criticism, complaining and controlling.
Training Our mind
When you fail to train your mind in a conscious manner, it becomes vulnerable to external forces. For example, our minds are often influenced by many things, especially the media. Meditation is an extremely effective practice to train the mind to live in the present moment with complete awareness of our surroundings.
Instead of trying to control the external events due to dissatisfaction, it is better to train the mind to accept things as they are. Acceptance is the key to happiness.
First is AWARENESS and followed by ACCEPTANCE then change will happen.
Freeing Our mind
Freedom from clinging is an idea. Some of the more negative forms of clinging include clinging to: opinions, judgements, people, and possessions. When our minds gradually become free, we experience higher levels of focus, concentration, creativity, and relaxation.
Whilst meditation is an excellent practice to train and free the mind, mindfulness can be practiced at any time. The process simply involves intentionally directing your attention to your thoughts.
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