What is Meditation?

Many Parents Been Asking:
What is Meditation?
Meditation Malaysia & Overseas
“Meditation promotes mental and emotional well-being. The moment you start to meditate, you focus on the present moment and de-clutter your monkey mind. This will bring positive impact, mind & mood shift and uplift from within”
In today’s busy lifestyle, kids are struggling with the expectations and demands from;
- Teachers at schools and extra classes (i.e; music classes, sports, tuitions, etc)
- Parents that expect them to do well in their studies and score in their exams
- Personal life including family problems (i.e; some living with single parents, some parents always argue at home, some parents do not spend sufficient quality time with their kids due to today’s hectic world, etc)
- Peer pressure (among their friends and classmates)
- Influence by social media
Most of the time they ended up feeling overwhelmed and this only make things worst.
How often would you tell your kids the following statements;
- Stop watching too much TV
- Stop looking at mobile phone, IPad, etc
- Please do your homework
- Please study
- Please do this and not that…
- Please listen…
- Please and Please…
- And the list goes on and on…
Main reasons includes;
- Parents want them to be happy, filial, healthy, excel and be successful in life
- Parents want the best for their kids – in terms of food, clothing, education, well beings – whatever it takes to give them the best of everything. Things and moments that our kids will cherish, appreciate, value and be grateful for when they grow up and when we no longer being able to be by their side anymore, as nothing in this life is permanent. The only ONE thing that parents can give to their kids that will really stay and last in them are the knowledge and technique we introduce to them. This will be the best gift of their life.
Best Gift for our kids – MEDITATION
A simple yet extremely effective – one of the most valuable techniques we can teach our kids. Meditation improves mental focus, brain function, being mindful, helps reduce depression and anxiety. This makes it particularly beneficial for kids especially if they start as early as 2 or 3 years old.
Do parents aware how important meditation is for their kids? Imagine with regular practice, how different their kids will become in terms of their emotional, mental, better sleep quality and improve in their social intellectual development? All these are what we, as a parent truly wish and dream for our kids. That would be the most grateful achievement in our lives.
“Without a single doubt, MEDITATION should be taught at home and at school. This is a truly amazing lifelong habit and practice – not only for kids, but for everyone”.
So, why are we still not introducing meditation to our kids?
Research and study showing that this discipline strengthens the mind-body connection, promoting healthy behaviors. Currently, researchers are studying its beneficial effects on adolescent or teenage with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Adolescent or teenage who meditate are able to handle stress better and experience more positive emotions. Meditation helps ease stress by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. At the same time, it decreases activity in the sympathetic nervous system.
In just a few minutes of meditation, kids will be experiencing a day of less stressed. Research and study also showing that kids’ creativity and intelligence improved after meditating for 15 minutes twice daily. This discipline may improve brain function, increase optimism, and enhance alertness.
Let’s look at the top five benefits of meditation for your child;
- To prepare them to face the world
- To manage their “monkey mind”
- To support their healthy mental and emotional development
- To support and guide them to handle stress in their studies and daily life
- To achieve their full potential and untapped the talent within.
The benefits of meditation not only limited to the above. This ancient discipline can improve our kids’ lives on every aspect and every stages. With regular practice of meditation, it leads to:
- Improves decision-making skills and boosts cognitive performance, setting up for greater success
- Improved emotion
- Improved memory, focus and concentration in their studies
- Increased confidence, courage and self-esteem in them
- Improved sense of self-worth and self-respect for themselves and others
- Physically and mentally become more positive
- Greater creativity in everything their do
- Enhanced cognitive function and learning ability skills
- Feeling more calm and start to have inner peace in them as they start to dive into themselves
- Score better at exams
- Improved in terms of attitude and behavior
- To reduce destructive behaviors, such as smoking and drug abuse (common in adolescent and young kids)
- To boost their immune systems and protect them from illnesses.
- Improved relationships with parents, family members, teachers, friends and others
Meditate With Us – Meditation for Kids Benefits Are Manifold
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